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Edugametion for Companies

Bigger than movies and music together

Global Game Industry: 278 billion $

Growth rate +17% per year, estimate 450B$ 2028

Games have existed as long as civilisation, and no wonder why.
The are fun to play and they are fun to make.
They educate math, languages, tech skills, art skills.
It can be hard to make them, but they can give a lot.
People in the industry are happy, clever and creative.
Game industry has people with tech skills, creative skills including arts and design, business skills, marketing, production, sound design skills and many many more.
Sometimes I see people change from the games industry, but not often.
It always surprises me.
If you want a great working environment, fun colleges and something meaningful to work with, it games.
I have personally seen so many from kids, to students to pro's
want more from games and learn to make them either for fun or for business.
So often they lack the place to go and find the info,
but not anymore. We feel that need and now reply to the need!


750.000₹ / year
115.000$ / year

60.000€ / year
Finland and Europe
40.000$ / year

Find your career requirements

Check out the excellent Game Badges which can help you find your goal and can help you understand what is required for expertise

Game Badges

Welcome to Edugametion

Your path to game industry

How Does this Work

The Skills

Start your career or learn specific skills
Learn with our efficient, proven to work, practical self-learning approach
We're cost-efficient compares to Unis
Get all game development skills from one place
For students and hobbyists, for beginners and pros

Select Skils

Create games here with our online platform
Join people around the globe
Game Project replicates how you work in a game company!
Create portfolio material
Learn the team skills
Included in all subscription plans

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the job

Become Certified game developer
Average salary 115.000$ /year US
Join our partner recruitment networks
Create your pdf portfolio with our upcoming tool (coming early 2025)
Included in all subscription plans

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Select your journey


You like to design how the gameplay works, what happens from buttons, how many coins you get?
Then you're a game designer!
You create the levels, write the story, create the characters, balnce the economy, tune the game and the game items in the sense that you define what they are or do, depending on company of course. In smaller one designer can do all this or each area has specific designer.
It's a very creative role and fun of innovation and you can start your design path here!

Try Game Design

Do you like to draw, color, concepting, create worlds and models?
The you're a game artist!
If want to learn to create digital art for games, you are in the right place!
Game Artists create all the 2D or 3D visuals for games. Artist decide the colors, and often the items, make the character like into the game.
2D artists create the visual screens, UI's, or even like pixel art depending on games style.
3D artists create the models, texture them, bake and many other steps. Don't worry, you'll learn them all here!

Try Game Art


Love tech? Interested into coding or code already and looking to enter games?
Then you are a game programmer!
How does the magic happen, what makes the games work? It's the tech and code which need the tech wizards, programmers!
You will learn to use Unity or Unreal (coming soon) as you tool for creating the games.
We will teach you everything required for creating your first games!

Try Game Programming

Try Game Business or Game Production

Get insight tips on How to Secure a Job in Games

See all courses from here
Soon coming: Unreal course, Marketing and User Acquisition, Audio Design!

Find more detailed info about the roles from here