We'll give you the skills
Game Industry Introduction
Game Design And Gamification 1
Game Design And Gamification 2
Monetisation Design
Narrative In Games
Board Games Basics
Game Programming Essentials 1
Game Engines
Game Programming Essentials 2
Game Programming Kick Off
Introduction To Unreal Engine
2d Art For Game Developers
Fundamentals Of 3d Modelling
Ui And Ux
Game Business
Game Production
Game Marketing & Ua
How To Secure A Job
Audio Design
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Why Games
Why game industry?
Game Project - Create Games
NEW: Study In Finland
Certificates Validation
For Businesses
For Institutes
For Companies
Game Demo Project
Educator Intros and Video examples
Our Platform
About Edugametion
About Us
Edugametion for Companies
Just knowing the theory isn't enough
Get games to your Portfolio
Helps you in getting to the industry
Learn how to work in a production and a team
A Game In Your Portfolio Makes All The Difference!
You need portfolio material
You need experience from working in a team
You need experience from working in a production
Get the expertise you might be lacking from Game Demo Project
Create your game or join a team
Based on a model created and run successfully in Finland numerous times
Focus on all the pain points: team work, production cycle, feedback handling, error handling, production lifecycle
Replicates real production in a game company
Mentoring and guiding from industry people included
Structured development phases with clear instructions
All our educators have 10+ years experience educating or from the industry - or both
All disciplines available - join as a game designer, artist, programmer, producer or business developer
We know this will work but we want to be sure! Join the test run for free!
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Say they significantly improved their changes to get a job in games after taking our courses.
Icons below show some of the companies they now work in.