Edugametion Edugametion
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Edugametion for Companies online course


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used in is used by thousands of students, schools, colleges and universities from various degree programs and by incubators, ​game companies and game developers around the world.


Say they significantly improved their changes to get a job in games after taking our courses.

Icons below show some of the companies they now work in.

LMS Focused on Game Learning

Import courses to your LMS or use our whitelabeled platform useb globally by thousands already.

    Can be whilelabeled
    Remote login / login from you platform can be included
    Reports like see competition and activity statistics and follow up progression
    Certificates, diplomas which can be verified
    Approve or reject completions
    Easily assign new courses
    Upload in one go with excel or with activation links or codes
    Export to excel
    Courses and bundles can be customised!
    We only charge for the courses, not for LMS usage
    Works both Mobile and Web
    Learn all about games with our gamified platform


  • Set up game education overnight
  • Provide supplementary coursers, Diplomas or full degree
  • Proven quality and high reviews
  • All our educators have 10+ years experience educating or from the industry - or both
  • Cover all disciplines including game design, art, tech, production and business
  • Get help on any other area, Game Studio, Incubation, Lecture Series, Grading and more...!
  • Bundles and volume discounts available
  • High employment rates
  • All courses deliver ECTS and approved and accredited by Finnish University of Applied Sciences
  • Includes panel access for reports, statistics, monitoring and assigning